TES&P staff have extensive experience in environmental compliance issues and routinely help clients navigate the federal and state resource and regulatory agencies. Our staff has a comprehensive understanding of state and federal regulations and requirements. TES&P offers a full range of services to address compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other state and federal regulations that require clearances, approvals, and permits.

TES&P conducts business in compliance with client policies, applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations. Each permit filing and subsequent negotiation requires customized skills and planning. Understanding the mindset and objectives of the applicable regulatory agencies and stakeholders and providing our clients with effective and suitable avoidance or mitigation efforts is critical to effectively advance the permitting process.

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis, agency and internal evaluations
  • Categorical Exclusions (CEE)
  • Environmental Assessments (EA)
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
  • Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Cumulative Impact Analysis
  • Critical Issues Analysis
  • Wetland and Watercourse Encroachment Permits
  • State and Federal Programmatic Agreements and Nationwide Permits
  • Section 404 and 401, Clean Water Act
  • Section 7 Endangered Species Act
  • Public Involvement
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Environmental Reports